The Event
The 30th Annual Ernies Awards was celebrated by over 350 at Parliament House in August 2022. Dressed to the nines and as loud as ever, we held our last and final raucous event – Meredith is opening a pet grooming business, Bronwyn is starring in Pirates of Penzance and Yvette is playing for the Matildas. But you can check out our Gallery for photos, or History for winners or the Dishonour Board for winner details back to 1993. |
The 30th Annual Ernies Awards was celebrated by over 350 at Parliament House in August 2022. Dressed to the nines and as loud as ever, we held our last and final raucous event – Meredith is opening a pet grooming business, Bronwyn is starring in Pirates of Penzance and Yvette is playing for the Matildas. But you can check out our Gallery for photos, or History for winners or the Dishonour Board for winner details back to 1993. |

There are a number of distinguishing features of the Ernie Awards Dinner . We always begin with an Aboriginal Welcome to Country. This is usually performed early in the proceedings so we can get on with having a good time. Each year we celebrate a significiant anniversary for women such as winning the vote or the granting of “no fault” divorce. We always hold a raffle to raise money for women involved in important struggles…in Timor L’Este, Zimbabwe, or for Aboriginal women’s causes in Redfern. The two Mistresses of Ceremony, Meredith Burgmann and Yvette Andrews read out the sexist remarks in each category. The judging process is robust and democratic. Nominations are judged by the level of booing and jeering they receive. Experienced Boo Monitors are appointed to determine the most derided remark in each category. This high pressure job is taken very seriously and to ensure the wishes of the crowd are accurately reflected, the Boo Monitors will often call for a boo-off. Each woman who nominates a man who is a winner in their particular category is presented with one of the tasteful Silver Ernies trophies. The nominator of the ultimate winning quote of that year gets the Gold Ernie trophy. Male winners occasionally ask if they can have the trophy and from time to time we agree. Despite the jaundiced views of our critics, anyone who wants to come is invited. You get onto the Ernies invitation list simply by asking and you get into the Ernies Awards ceremony by wearing a “nice frock”. This fancy dress aspect is themed to the spirit of the times. In latter years, there has been a fiercely competitive “frock-off” which is judged by a celebrity style critic amidst wild cheering and shameless showing off. Over the years these moments have been captured by photographers – Sue Tracey, Fiona Katauskas, Moya Dodd, Owen Andrews, Rose Tracey, Justine Muller, Helen Leonard, Cristina Cleveland, Maritsa Zacharakis, Maria Pasten, Shabnam Haneed. |

Most Memorable Ernies Outfits
- Marrickville Methodist Ladies
- Big bows and polkadots for the perfect maternity frock
- Hendrix (aka Yvette) and one of his foxy ladies
- More hairy legged hippies
- These outfits should have been lost in the seventies
- Annie, Bjork and Tina - not recording together any time soon
- Blonde
- Oooo... scary
- Mmmm... tasty (see raw chops round neck)
- Dame Joan
- Feminists (in case you didn't know)
- Wearing her grandma's bathers
- Gorgeous women with Marty Belch (aka Yvette)
- These two outfits were worn on more than one occasion - sprung!
- To this day, no-one can explain...
- Meredith and Willy with Reg (aka Yvette)
- The BLF
- Respectable authors with an idiot wearing a moustache (aka Yvette)
- Some of the regular posers
- Horns seemed like a good idea at the time
- Meredith made me do it!
- The early years... the frock off takes off
- The early years... pearls everywhere
- The early years... when style gurus still turned up!
- Women with balls (and rackets)
- Fishnets
- Fishnets
- And more fishnets
- 'Bling' in case you weren't sure
- 'Bling' from behind
- Three nuns and a space alien?!
- Mormons
- Marrickville Methodist Ladies again - they win!